Bikes Without Borders accepts donated bicycles, scooters, tricycles (large and small), bike parts and some gear. Note we have little need for cycling shoes and jerseys.
Bicycle donations are refurbished and provided to no/low-income newcomers, refugees and marginalized peoples in the Toronto area, through requests directly and from refugee sponsors and social service organizations. Occasionally, we also send bicycles abroad through partners like World Vision, Canserra, the Salvation Army and the Rotary Clubs of Canada.
If you are interested in donating a bike:
Please do not call us about donating your bike(s).
We would like to avoid bikes that are rusty/very broken - the seized parts are too costly for our organization to repair.
We do not pick up bicycles (sorry, we just don't have the resources to do so). If you have a large number of bicycles to donate and are in the Greater Toronto area we may be able to arrange a vehicle rental to pick them up. Email us at
We have several dropoff locations in Toronto for used bikes. Please fill out the form below to receive details about our dropoff locations.
Please complete the form below and you’ll receive details for dropping off your bike(s):