sierra leone - canserra

BWB in partnership with canserra development organization

Just 14 short years ago Sierra Leone emerged from an almost twelve year-long civil war that saw the country's economy deteriorate. In 2016 there is still much work to be done. Sierra Leone is a country plagued with high levels of unemployment and poverty. As is common in developing countries, poverty is heavily concentrated in the rural areas of the country and children and youth living outside city limits are largely underserved.   

Our friends at the Canserra Development Organization strive to empower the marginalized children and youth of Sierra Leone through the development of self-sustainable educational facilities and educational resources. The Canserra project will see school supplies, back-packs, clothing, computers, bicycles, and soccer gear arrive in Sierra Leone to bolster educational opportunities. 

At BWB we are partnering with Canserra to send over 50 bikes to children and youth living in rural Sierra Leone. These bicycles will allow children to travel to schools often located miles from their homes and ensure that every child is given the opportunity to succeed.